How to play the game big OIC Satan?

Hello to everyone! I am a gaming person. I have discovered a new game. It’s called big OIC Satan. Can somebody here know the game and how to play it? Please teach me how. Thank you!

Hello to everyone! I am a gaming person. I have discovered a new game. It’s called big OIC Satan. Can somebody here know the game and how to play it? Please teach me how. Thank you!
I’m not sure where did you exactly find this game, if ever it does exist. It seems hard to find. I’ve tried searching the web using Google and Yahoo! but it seems nowhere to find. If this game does exist, it would help much if you just include the link in your post so we can check it and learn something from it.
Searching the game “Big OIC Satan” only brought me to some satanic symbols of the ancient days and is pretty much out of the game you are looking for. It would be much helpful if you simply post or add here the link to the game so we can check it and learn its pros and cons, game techniques, some features maybe, and other stuffs.