How to play sims 2 without CD OR DVD
How to play sims 2 without cd. Is there a way to play it anyway, I heard something about a virtual cd but I'm not sure if you need the actual cd on hand.
How to play sims 2 without cd. Is there a way to play it anyway, I heard something about a virtual cd but I'm not sure if you need the actual cd on hand.
There are 2 ways to perform this. The first way is to get a crack, and it will replace your .exe file and it will allow you to do this without any DVD or CD. The second is to download the ISO file, which is a virtual image of DVD/CD. To do it you have to set it using any program (Deamon Tools,Ultraiso, etc) and it will act like as the DVD/CD was on drive.
You have to download an ISO file in order to use ISO. It is usually downloaded in parts and put together automatically when you will unzip. And then using any particular program like Ultra Iso, Deamon Tools, etc., you can open the file. After appearing the mount option in somewhere, you click on that to appear an option to choose that file. Then in order to mount it, choose that ISO file.And this ISO file will contain all the games inside the file like the real DVD/CD. Then you will be free to install that in order to play it.Hopefully, this answer is helpful, easier and clearer steps to fix the problem.