How to print a file in my Linux system?

I would like to print a file in my Linux system using a network printer connected to the Windows 98 SE computer. How do I make this happen?

I would like to print a file in my Linux system using a network printer connected to the Windows 98 SE computer. How do I make this happen?
Asteneves, your question is a good one,what you need to do in this case is use the client-side rendering such as that used in combining win Xp and Vista. This process is a bit tricky but you can also set up a domain login and set the correct connecting procedure.
When you verify the IP settings of the network of the printers such as, you can be able to set the connection running. You need also to ping the address to ensure the connection is good.
With good connection, you can retest the software and it should be able to work well.
I hope this helps