Asked By
johny saw
0 points
Posted on - 11/07/2011
I have a many PC on our office time to time when do printing we save our files to USB and bring it to our computer server which the printer connected. Is there a way we can print individually without server permission? So that there will be no hassle on our part?
Answered By
lee hung
75 points
How to print individually without server permission
Hallo Johny,
To print your documents directly to the printer without having to use server permissions on the network you will be required the computer directly to the printer using a network cable, so that there is an ad hoc network that is created between the computer and the printer to allow the files to be send from the computer to the printer.
This will limit you to only one computer connected to the printer or just a few depending on the network ports on the printer that can allow computers to be connected to it, and therefore a challenge if other uses on the network may want to use the same printer too.
Lee Hung