How to properly Ubuntu backup img drive?

How do I properly image a drive using Ubuntu 10.10 on Windows 7 64 bit? I read somewhere that Ubuntu Live CD only works on 32 bit systems. How do I ubuntu backup img drive?

How do I properly image a drive using Ubuntu 10.10 on Windows 7 64 bit? I read somewhere that Ubuntu Live CD only works on 32 bit systems. How do I ubuntu backup img drive?
Hello Tony Bailey
Many people love image a drive using Ubuntu 10.10 on windows 7 64bit. I don't think you need to bother about live CD . It goes fine with Vagrant. You do not need to worry about your image drive. Using Varant you can Ubuntu backup your image drive that I think your immediate concern. I hope your system software is fine and it supports 7 64bit. For more information please visit here.
Hello Tony,
First of all, you need to know that your machine runs the system software windows 7 64bit, it's not that your whole machine is based on 64bit. You can properly install your Ubuntu 10.10 over windows 7 or beside windows 7 although you have Ubuntu 10.10 31bit. If your machine supports both bits, then it shouldn't be a problem. All you have to do is just make an empty drive with a size about should be fine to run Ubuntu on your machine.