How to protect my email id?

When I use internet, I am always afraid of leaving my email id on any website due to spam or several attacks. Is there anyway to keep it safe?

When I use internet, I am always afraid of leaving my email id on any website due to spam or several attacks. Is there anyway to keep it safe?
Taking precaution is the best way to keep your e-mail id safe. First of all use a strong alphanumeric password which means your password contains both alphabet and numbers. Do not use your name or your id or date of birth as your password. Secondly try not to log in your email at public places such as cyber café. Thirdly check the link at the address bar of your browser before login that the link is correct. Avoid using your e-mail for registering on anonymous website; be sure about the trust worthiness about the website before making registration. Do not forget to log out every time you login. You can also keep changing your password every six months for safety. Â
Best of luck.
Hello the more attentive you are the more protected and safe you are in future too. You have to change the email login options to one computer at a time. That is no other person except you can login and use your account. Multiple login option can be disastrous. So always turn off  this not tell your password to even your close friends.. try changing passwords frequently…
You can use sites like  to create a unique and unusual password that will be much safer
Hi all
Thank you Sonaiya John for your post it, is really helpful for me , I didn't know it before now , I will take it in mind .