I want to know how I can put a shutdown icon on my desktop.
I want a one-click process to shutdown my computer.
I just hate it waiting for a very slow shutdown process in which I always have to click Start then select shutdown then when the dialog box opens, I have to click shutdown button again then wait till my computer close itself.
Is this possible or do I need to use a third-party application to do this?
Help please.
How to put windows shutdown icon in my desktop?
Hi Casey. I also hate it when Windows XP shutdown becomes slow from time to time. And that we have to perform three clicks then wait before computer shuts down. Good thing is that Windows XP offers an alternative. To create Windows XP shutdown on your desktop:
1.      Right-click anywhere on your desktop.
2.      Click New Shortcut
3.      Type shutdown –s –t 0 (last digit is zero)
4.      Click Next
5.      Type a name for the shortcut that you made. (Ex. Shutdown Now) then click Finish
6.      Now that the new icon is on your desktop, right-click it then select Properties
7.      When the dialog box opens, click Change icon
8.      A warning message will appear stating that shutdown.exe has no icons, just click OK then choose new icon
9.      Close all applications then try the new Windows XP shutdown icon that you made. Double-click the icon to shut down your computer instantly.
You can also create an icon to stop the shutdown in case you forgotten something before clicking shut down in your desktop.
To create this:
1.      Right-click anywhere on your desktop.
2.      Click New Shortcut
3.      Type shutdown –a
4.      Click Next
5.      Type a name for the shortcut that you made. (Ex. Stop Shutdown) then click Finish
6.      Repeat the steps 6-9 above.
To create a Restart icon just do the steps above but type shutdown –r –t 0
Paul Palmer
How to put windows shutdown icon in my desktop?
So you want to create a shortcut on your desktop for an easy-click shutdown.
How to put windows shutdown icon in my desktop?
Yes that is exactly what I want. And it is now working. Many thanks for your help.
How to put windows shutdown icon in my desktop?
Hello Dear,
Thanks for sharing your problem with us.
Dear you can create shut down icon on desktop.
Simply right click on desktop.
Then choose new and then select short cut from the list.
It will open a dialog box.
It will provide you a text box "Type the location of the item" and a browse button also is available in front of it.
Type "shutdown -s -t 0" and then press next.
It will ask you name for new short cut. You can give it any legal name. Click finish.
Icon is available on your desktop.
After this you can change its icon as you desire.
I hope it will help you a lot.