How to read script php leer mdb in Linux

I am on Linux platform and would like to read scripts PHP leer MDB in order to save in MySQL.
Can anyone suggest the best and easiest way

I am on Linux platform and would like to read scripts PHP leer MDB in order to save in MySQL.
Can anyone suggest the best and easiest way
Hello TammyÂ
PHP scripts can be accessed by any text editor. If you are using Linux I prefer to use Gedit.
Open your script with Gedit and copy it's contents into your MySQL database.
To be more easier I recommend using MySQL WorkBench, since MySQL WorkBench can automatically make MySQL database out of script it will be full success for you.Â
Hi Tammy Calloway,
For this you have to use open() function. Open the url using this function like this,
$handle =Â @fopen("URL", "rt");
$source_code =Â fread($handle,1000);
In such way now you have 1000 bytes of source code of the given URL index page in $source_code variable. Now you can perform searches on this variable and can use regular expressions to fulfill your purpose.
Please refer to the following links as well for more information,
This link is the perfect guide for viewing your PHP code.
I think this will solve your problem.