How to reconstruct fragmented jpg?

Hi, i am interested in reconstructing fragmented jpg, is it possible? If someone has experience with that, please share with me

Hi, i am interested in reconstructing fragmented jpg, is it possible? If someone has experience with that, please share with me
Hello Alfred,
Yes! It's possible to reconstruct a fragmented picture. Just Make sure that it's not too pixelated though. All you need to have is Adobe Photoshop CS5 or Higher (Recommended for this purpose). The first thing you need is to Collect your fragmented Pictures and pack it into one folder (Recommended).
You need Photoshop CS5 or higher to use the content Awareness Feature. If you don't know how to use Photoshop. Here's a video tutorial available in YouTube.
If you don't have Photoshop installed in your system, Here is the link to use the software for 30 days trial.
You may want also to check the system requirements of this program.