How To Record Music On Computer Using Simple Ways

Hi. I am not very hand-on with the computer. I want to learn how to record voice on the PC but don’t know the steps. How to record music on computer? Please reply ASAP. Thanks in advance.

Hi. I am not very hand-on with the computer. I want to learn how to record voice on the PC but don’t know the steps. How to record music on computer? Please reply ASAP. Thanks in advance.
Hi. To learn how to record music on computer, the first way can be using the built-in sound recorder. Select the Windows key from the keyboard and then type sound recorder in the search box. After the recorder opens, you can begin recording by clicking on the red dot. You can go on to record whatever you would like to for 60 seconds. After you are done, close the recording and save it to a location where it can be easily accessed.
Alternatively, you can download software you trust, record high-quality sounds and give a professional touch to the singing.
Hope we helped.