How to recover data from scratched cds’??

how to recover data from scratched cd's which computer is not opening..
because of too much scratches on them…
can any body help me????

how to recover data from scratched cd's which computer is not opening..
because of too much scratches on them…
can any body help me????
Try these steps and hoping this may help.
If the disk has scratches try lessening it by using a whitening toothpaste or an optician-rated polish a cleaning agent such as Brasso in just a small amount softly work on the scratches until they start to fade. Or, you can also drop a little distilled water and damp a lint-free cloth in the disk, wipe the scratched area in a motion from the edge to the center. Now switch on your computer and open the DVD ROM and open your CD Burning software Click on the import tab in the disc burning software, then the data from you repaired CD will bring into your software.
Use Recover Disc 2.0. This is an easy-to-use program that helps you extract data from scratched, damaged, defective or incorrectly burned CD, DVD and Blue-ray discs when regular software can't read them fully or partially. You can either choose to recover selected files, or save an image of the whole disc. The program works under Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista and supports all types of CD, DVD and Blue-ray media with ISO or UDF file systems, including discs burned by video cameras and recorders.
The possibility of recovering your data from a scratched CD depends on the state of the disc. If the scratches are so deep, recovering the data may not be possible because the lens won’t be able to read properly on the surface of the disc. If there are many scratches but are only light, you can try to clean the surface of the disc.
First, if the disc can’t be read, try cleaning the lens of the optical drive with a lens cleaner. If you have a lens cleaner for your DVD player, you can use it to clean the lens of your optical drive or buy a lens cleaner from a local computer store or buy it online like this one on eBay: Maxell Cd-340 CD Lens Cleaner.
Follow the proper instructions when cleaning the lens. See if this works. If this doesn’t work, you may try washing your CD with a solution of water and baby shampoo. After washing it, wipe it dry with a lint-free cloth.