How to recover my deleted files on my Hard disk

Please help me to recover my files that was deleted on my hard disk. Do you have any idea how to recover my Files?

Please help me to recover my files that was deleted on my hard disk. Do you have any idea how to recover my Files?
Hi. There are various softwares available on the internet, which can be downloaded and used to recover deleted files, You can search for "Glary Utilities", I am already using this software, it is excellent.
Best of Luck
Hi Jane,
You can check in the recycle bin if still there, if not there were no options were you can locate or recover your files again. If your not sure to delete your files forever then don't delete, always make a back up on your Flash Drive or Hard disk if it is a Huge file. If your computer has a Deep Freeze program then you don't have to worry because even if you accidentally delete important files because it will not automatically delete your files once its freeze you still have to unfreeze first before you can save files. If you can prevent this accident you should install virus scanner on your system because some virus automatically delete your important files without informing the owner. Just to be safe, always use deep freeze and virus scanner this is the only solution of your problem, then be cautious before you delete files think it many if you not gonna use it forever.
Tony Stevenson
Hello Jane Christofh,,
The way to restore your files that you have lost or deleted on your computer is by the use of file recovery application. Therefore are several of such applications but I will recommend that you use one called RecoverMyFiles, which you can download for free from the internet.
Once you have downloaded RecoverMyFiles, install it on your computer and then launch it. Look for the partition that had the files that you want to recover on recovermyfiles, and then recover the files. The application will recover many files, and therefore you will just need to choose those that you need and them save them to a different location.
Hope this helps.
Lee Hung
If you need to undelete or restore deleted files even when they are deleted from the Recycle Bin, try downloading PC Tools Performance Toolkit and install. Once installed, start PC Tools then go to “Recovery” tab and click “Recover Lost Files.” Try selecting “Deep Scan” or “Physical Scan” in the “Scan type” option then select the drive you want to scan.
Click “Start Scan” to begin analyzing your hard drive. If the files you want to restore are located on the system drive originally or drive C, recovery is not guaranteed because continuous file activities are happening on the system drive. To successfully recover a deleted file, the drive where it is located must not have any “write” activity like copying or moving of files.
This is because the sectors the deleted file originally occupies can get overwritten with new data. Also, even if you managed to recover a deleted file, the content of the file is not guaranteed to be one hundred percent (100%) error free. Most of the time, the content is garbage.