How to recover my Facebook messages that are deleted

How to recover my Facebook messages that are deleted
I did not close the page yet or restarted and waiting for experts help to give me a way to find deleted messages on my Facebook please

How to recover my Facebook messages that are deleted
I did not close the page yet or restarted and waiting for experts help to give me a way to find deleted messages on my Facebook please
(1) Open your email account. You should be in the in-box of you email.
(2) Click the button that says' Trash' all of the most recent things you have
Deleted will be at the top. If you do not immediately find what are looking for,
Try doing a search in your in your trash for it. You will have know a word of the
Subject or who sent to be able to search for deleted messages,
(3) Ask someone to forward the message to you. If someone you know sent
You the message, ask them to resend the email message, if you can not find it.
This way you will have it your email in-box again.
(4) Check the archive for your lost email messages. Most email services have an
Archive that mail gets sent to even if it has been deleted. The easiest way to pull things
Out archived is by date.
(5) Click the start button on your menu bar. Type in what you are looking for and see if
Anything comes up. Just because it says that you have "permanently deleted" the files
On your computer, this isn't really so. The space it used still being used by that item.
Hi Yuanvghyb,
I am more than happy to help you with your concern. But unfortunately Facebook has not provided for an option to recover deleted messages. Once you delete a message, your copy of the message will be permanently deleted. There is no matter if you closed the page or not. You can view the statement from Facebook about your concern here
Actually, all deleted Facebook messages can’t be retrieved, but have many ways to restore the messages you deleted. It is very simple and easy. Side by side these remedy my recommendation go this Techyv page where you will get more info.