Asked By
0 points
Posted on - 12/13/2011
Hi IT Experts,
How i can come to know which kind of hard disk is working in my computer & what is the specification of my hard disk & name of the manufacturer, moreover, how i can recover my hard disk's data if it got corrupted? Is there any ways to recover the data of a damaged hard disk?
Answered By
lee hung
75 points
How to recover my old files from my HD
Hi Ching,
This is the proper way how to recover your corrupted file which they consider a nightmare experience on you hard drive. Viruses are the common causes of this error. There is no need to worry on repairing this problem because you just simply reinstall your operating system to make this work again. The main problem is not on his repair but how to recover your crash files. If you are not an IT expert, you are going to have a lot of trouble on this. Sad to say that we are really ending up with the files with lost especially your important files that can't be recover anymore because it is infected already.
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All possible ways that can recover your files
Tony Stevenson
How to recover my old files from my HD
You can either use the properties to see your hard disk or you can simply go to computer properties and then form there you can see the type and space available on the hard disk. You need to follow these steps to solve your problem.
Go to desktop and right click on my computer.
Select properties form the menu. System properties will be in front of you.
Go to Hardware tab and then click on device manager.
By clicking on properties you will see some devices shown in a list.
You need to select disk drive and it will show your hard disk in the list.
You can then see the model and space of your hard disk. As I show here:
How to recover my old files from my HD
Are you using Windows XP? Does your Windows XP and your hard disk damage?
If your hard disk cannot be detected, try the data recovery, if your operating system damaged ntdlr, it is possible to recover your operating system and also recover your files. Put your hard disk to another computer with the same operating system Windows XP and click my computer and then click drive C, and then click tools,and then click folder option, and then click view, and then uncheck show hidden files, hide extensions for known file types, hide protected operating system files (recommended), after that ntdlr shown copy that files and paste to your hard disk damage into drive C.
How to recover my old files from my HD
To recover the lost data you must have to pick the correct tool to scan the hard drive for lost files. Every application has different process but primarily concept & working is the same for most of them. Choose the folder that contained the missing files and start the scanning process. After scanning you can see a list of jumbled names of the files is seen.
It might be possible that you see some files that you have never created. But you don’t worry that the files are actually created by operating system in the process of basic operation. You only have to look the name of the file that you have lost and want to recover it.
When you find the file that you were searching, Just select that file and right click on it. And save it at your desired destination.
You can try different application or method if you don’t recover your file. This is possible due to the availability of variations among applications. In case of persisting difficulties, referring to the above procedure can actually help you to recover your lost data.
How to recover my old files from my HD
Regarding on this issue there is another Techyv post which one also will be helpful to resolve this issue easily.
Visit this link and get more helpful information : How recover my missing E & F Drive ?