Asked By
Lisa Larsen
0 points
Posted on - 07/26/2012
Hi all, Unfortunately, this is not a post of saying 'congratulations and keep up the good work'. It is a request for help. Due to Carmageddons new kickstarter, I have rediscovered my love of old games, but all my games are on disc (what a difference 10 years make).
Please see screenshot as a picture tells a 1000 words.

"nGlide 0.99 Setup
Error opening file for writing:
Click Abort to stop the installation,
Retry to try again, or
Ignore to skip this file"
I tried running it as admin, but no use.
Any ideas? Your suggestions would be highly appreciated.
Thank you.
How to rediscover old games that are on disc?
Hello Lisa,
You have said that your games are stored on a Disc, right? And also you haven't used them for a long time. What could be the problem in this case is that the discs that you have stored the games on might be corrupt. They might be scratched due to mishandling them and therefore the data on them cannot be read properly during installation. What you will need to do therefore is to purchase a new disc, or download the game from the internet. If you had saved a copy of the game on a computer or an external hard disc drive then you can try installing using that copy.
You can as well just try wiping clean the disc as well as the DVD drive of your computer for it may be dirt on them that is causing the installation process to be unsuccessful.