How to register my site in search engines

I have my site and in order to get it indexed I need to register it to search engines like yahoo, Google and Bing.
How can I register my site on this engines?
Can someone tell me the steps?

I have my site and in order to get it indexed I need to register it to search engines like yahoo, Google and Bing.
How can I register my site on this engines?
Can someone tell me the steps?
There are a lot of web sites which offer web bite submission to search engines. Just go to a search engine and submit your web site. Most of the sites have keyword and descriptions to add your web site to a search engine. Just fulfill these requirements and then you can submit your web to any of the given search engines.
Here are some suggestions for you. Try to use Meta tag and keyword on your web site.
Don’t select all the search engines at the same time.
Try to register individually on each search engine.
Hope this will solve your problem.
Hi Morris,
You can as well choose to use Google search on your website, that is if you do not strictly want a search engine that is just for your site.
To embed Google search in your website, access the following link:
There you will see a button telling to add Google search. Click on it.
You will be required to log with your Google account to be given the code that you will paste in your website. So if you do not have one then you will be obliged to create one.
When you get the code copy it and paste it in your browser back-end and customize it accordingly.
Hope this helps.
Search Engine Optimization works if you'll create a better keywords when writing an article. It'll display the website higher than the other included parties that has similar article of yours.
To get a better rank higher than the other, you'll better create best keywords. You can also register the site by submitting an article. If your website's URL does have similar web keywords research then you'll get the better chance of getting the higher rank. Yet, it'll give way to the other.
You'll need to strategize on how to create an article. Search for better keywords and published this in your website and blogs. The search engine will then display the best results that matches the web research. Unique keywords with the exact keywords being research will display higher than the other closes web searches.