How to Reinstall Windows Without Losing Data

How to Reinstall Windows Without Losing Data?
Whenever IÂ try to format it formats all content, and I lost all the data.

How to Reinstall Windows Without Losing Data?
Whenever IÂ try to format it formats all content, and I lost all the data.
Just do the same first steps that you do and after a while you will encounter the two options which says Upgrade and Custom
Upgrade – Will install you a new operating system setup for your PC without removing all of your current files from the hard disk.
Custom – Will remove all of your files in the hard disk while also installing a new operating system.
So what you need to choose here is the Upgrade version and the installation will run smoothly. Simply follow the next instruction but it is almost the same when you are using Custom installation.
In the windows XP from the installation CD there is an option that you can repair an existing windows XP installation and then using the option from the CD let you to reinstall the windows without  losing a data or maybe personal files and then special programs in your system to test this just insert the CD installation of the windows and then just simply reboot your computer and after that your prompted in to the installation if you like to recovery console to overhaul a windows installation and then just simply enter to continue normally then just press F8 to continue you just preceding the Licensing Agreement then just press R to begin the repair and installation to your system and then just windows reinstall without losing data and program to your system you can see the image below.