How to remove free avast toolbar?

Hi Experts,
I am having avast on my laptop. But now avast toolbar is a nuisance to me. Does anyone know how to remove free Avast toolbar? If so tell me how. Thanks.
Lark Yency

Hi Experts,
I am having avast on my laptop. But now avast toolbar is a nuisance to me. Does anyone know how to remove free Avast toolbar? If so tell me how. Thanks.
Lark Yency
You can customize the Avast toolbar that is a nuisance to you if you do not want complete uninstall of Avast. Complete uninstall will remove all the Avast tools from your laptop. However, you can customize this Toolbar. To customize the Avast toolbar right click on the Toolbar and select Customize Toolbar. A dialog box will appear.
Go to the Available toolbar buttons for invisible buttons or Current toolbar button for visible buttons. From here you can make Toolbar buttons visible or invisible. But you should run Antivirus for better protection of your laptop. For more details you can take help from the concerned website.
I hope you understand it.
Hello There,
Hope you're having a nice day, Anyways to the main topic. If you have installed the Avast Free Toolbar separately then for Windows XP : Open your Start Menu, Click on Control Panel and then you will see in the first column third paragraph "Add Or Remove Programs" Option Click It. The Add Or Remove programs window Will open chooses out the program from the list.
Windows 7 : Open your Start Menu, Click On Control Panel and on the first column fourth paragraph, You will see "Programs" and in smaller words written "Uninstall a Program" Click It and choose out the program from the list and uninstall It !
And If It came with the package of Avast Antivirus you can't uninstall It the way it was written above, you'll have to open your Avast user interface (Located on the toolbar icons, Just Click The Avast Sign). Then Click the fourth option "Additional Protection" and then over there some other option's will show In the side toolbar as well (Any Avast Antivirus user will understand It) Click "Browser Protection" Individual Browsers will show and the uninstall button as well, Click uninstall on any certain Browser.
Hope It helps.
Hi Lark,
I experienced that error before on Free avast software on my personal computer and laptop. We have the same issue, before removing avast try doing these simple steps. Here it goes:
First, go to Avast main GUI, choose Settings, then Troubleshooting, then the Disable Self defense module and don't forget to save settings and click accept.
Secondly, try searching for a filename > avast5.ini then open the file using notepad.
Third step, in avast5.ini file, use find option then look for [common] section, look for entry name >Â Showsetupoutro.
Fourth Step is to change the entry name Showsetupoutro to 0.
Fifth step is to save the file in notepad after making some changes.
Sixth step is to restart your computer.
Final step is to go back to Avast main GUI, choose Settings, then Troubleshooting, then Enable Self defense module and don't forget to save settings to take effect.
After doing these steps, I'm sure all will be fine. Have a nice day.