Asked By
0 points
Posted on - 10/06/2011
Whenever i sign in to my PC, am getting the notification from WGA.
Windows Genuine Advantage Notification is often displayed in my PC on every sign-up.
Am getting frustrated sometimes, to remove this.
But i did not find any permanent solution to remove this from my computer. If anyone can help me on this?
Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications – Install…
Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications
Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications is part of Microsoft's effort to reduce software piracy.
Install this software can help confirm that the copy of Windows install on this PC is genuine and properly licensed.
If your copy of Windows is not genuine, the software will provide periodic reminders to help you take appropriate action and protect yourself from security threats posed by counterfeit software.
Answered By
0 points
How to remove the WGA notification on Sign-up
Good day Desi_gn,
You may be victim of what we called counterfeiting its like that you have install expired or unlicensed OS that make your desktop keep appearing every time you used your computer. With this regard you may encounter and limit access only. You can't download and some of the features might not work due to this counterfeiting.
As far as I'm concern your computer has a limited days and that will end your OS working if the said date is still your OS in VGA and haven't yet validated for license. Even if you try to sneak around to remove the notifications still you won't get the full access as long you will validate your OS.
It's like you have already used the OS with the license and afterwards you are the next one so means it was been duplicated that your computer tracks your OS has been already used. The only thing to solve this is to activate the license for that specific OS that you are using recently.
I would be giving you a tips and screenshot for possible solutions in your problem. Actually there is a lot of way and i have found an easiest way to make it easy for you.
Click on that link and download.
Install the RemoveWGA and Accept terms.
Uncheck the button and press Next.
You will get the message that notifications has been removed.
Reboot for update.
How to remove the WGA notification on Sign-up
Please don't follow piracy, this is not helping the industry grow. Your operating system will just validate your windows and what you should do.
1. Simply validate it, and don't try to skip this. If you really are confident with your software then there will be no problem with this validation process. And if it doesn't validate the you can try reformatting it again with your fake operating system but I won't recommend this.
2. Buy a genuine operating system with a good product and simply install it. It is the best way to avoid being afraid of this validation process.
Please do the number 2 solution it is what you need.