I had bought a GTA V PS3 bundle a year ago. But my PS3 got yellow light of death. Right now I have many PS3 disc and I am not able to play any games and movies. GTA V will be released  after a week or so, but I want to play those game on PC. Is there any way to play those disc on computer?
How to run BluRay disc on Computer?
Hello Jason!
Playing blue-ray disc in your computer is not injecting a vcd or dvd to your ROM. You need to have a ROM that will allow blue-ray disc to be played.
Blue-Ray enabled ROMS are circulated and manufactured by most players like SONY, SAMSUNG, LG and many more. Please be aware that there are other drivers that you need to install in your computer to make your PS3 games work.
Naming this additional software or drivers that you need to install are the so called emulators. Don’t forget that this emulators do have system requirements. You can download any available emulators for your PS3. Plus you can hook up also your controller with your desktop computer by installing additional drivers also. You can use MotionJoy or Better DS3 or 4 in addition to your question.
For me DS 3 and Motion joy will be your companion in turning your desktop to a PS3 gaming console.