How can I run as a root user in Ubuntu? I have to install some software dependencies but the system keeps telling me that Im not a root user, what is the command for running this in terminal and once running as a root user can I delete some directories in the sys folder? I want to change the directory of the files.
How to run ubuntu as the root user
When you need to run a programs as root. You should be use command sudo, gksu, gk sudo. You need to use command as sudo -i.
You have a root shell in that which commands you have been enter. It will be run as root without having proceed with Sudo.
But if you required to run the graphical terminal as root. For that there are two ways: gksu/gksdo and also with sudo command.
Whenever you have installed gksu package. You can run terminal as root "gnome-terminal" or you can use as
gksu gnome-terminal. gksudo gnome-terminal.
Running of gnome -terminal as root without handling not-root terminal.
Virtually every system provides a facility to run a command without getting to open a terminal.
This is normally achieved with shortcut key alt F2 as ​textbox. Using that you can enter your command .
Suppose you do not have gksu package and you may not want to install.Â
This can be help :
Sudo -H gnome-terminal
-H set the Home environment as root
Suppose you want to use as graphical root terminal then you can use :
Sudo -H gnome-terminal &
But above command work if you do not have sudo prompt for a password. If  there you cannot able to see the password prompt.