How to save documents from C#.Net to Quicker
 My company just started using Quicker as a document depository. My first test was to figure out how to gathered existing document attachments for the change, but it can be made manually if necessary. The bigger problem is I need a method to let users save attachments using my new WPF application. I found a web server that gathers docs from Quicker but it's useless because it doesn't save. I'm trying to convert to WPF from a Lotus Notes application. The old Notes application contains numerous attached documents (Word, Excel, Pdfs etc). I know that there is a REST ATOM API but I have not found any helpful documentation or samples written in C#. Where is documentation explaining how to save using C#.Net to Quicker?
I need any suggestions from anybody on how to save documents from C#.Net to Quicker?