How to scan your phone through PC

My nokia cell phone contains a virus. I'm positive . but when I scan it through my PC it doesn't get shown up.

My nokia cell phone contains a virus. I'm positive . but when I scan it through my PC it doesn't get shown up.
At first install Nokia PC suite on your computer.
Then connect your mobile phone with the computer in a PC suite mode. Connect it with Cable. If you have not Nokia PC suite download. If you have some antivirus scans the files of your mobile without opening the file because that only to prevent virus incoming into your computer. If you have AVG then go to AVG Scan (Presume you have Removable Device Scan Enabled in Advanced Settings). If you doesn’t have any antivirus install any free one. Avast is free antivirus. Keep in mind install a good feature antivirus. It may be Norton or AVG antivirus etc.
If you think that the phone is infected with a phone virus, then the best resolution is to install a mobile Antivirus program on it and sprint it there. Norton is first-class one. But, again, you have to tell us the accurate model. By far not all models are infecting able.
Thanks, Angel_tech, I was wrong at first because I scanned the phone memory but you helped me, I scanned my memory card using Malwarebytes and the virus is removed. Techyv is surely a helpful site.