How to secure my privacy on face book?

How to secure my privacy on face book? What steps I have to take? Please answer me step by step.
Regards in advance for the answer.

How to secure my privacy on face book? What steps I have to take? Please answer me step by step.
Regards in advance for the answer.
1. Create secure password – If you have secure password then it is very hard for intruders to get your account and get into your privacy.
2. Set the settings who can only see your profile information. Like who can only view that information, Friends, Friends of Friends, and Friends only. You can also create customized settings for this. You can change the privacy settings of your profile like your profile, basic info, personal info, education info, work info, status etc.
3. You can also set the settings who can only search you. Just set the setting who just person you allowed to search you.
4. Some of the important info about you is the contact. You can set also in Facebook who can only view your contact like the mobile number, email address. Etc.Â
The more information you add to your Facebook account the more privacy setting you will have to wade through,this is according to TechNewsDaily(, thanks to this technology, it's just a click away to view or not to view your profile. TechNewsDaily went further to explain the steps taken to secure privacy on Facebook as follows;
When you look at the upper right of your Facebook page, there is account option,here the privacy setting are divided into five, that is, Profile information, contact information, Application, website search and Block list.
Profile information, here selection can be customized to allow only selected people to either see your information or not to see the information. This will enable you to choose those you want to view your information.
Contact information, this includes your phone number, message screen,friend request, if you want to be accessed by all select everyone and for potential friends choose friend of friends.
TechNewsDaily went further to explain that the founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerbury's vision is to expand the social network where by different sites link to Facebook generating a lot of visitors to your profile,here you can opt out on Facebook, every application you have viewed, used, authorized can be listed. Deselect by clicking the X in the far column, the option to interact with your account will be deactivated.
Search engine, like Google, yahoo, bing can also display your Facebook profile, to avoid this uncheck allow so that your Facebook can't be viewed by those outside.
Blocking/defriending, Facebook also has an option for blocking users or defriending by preventing communication between the account users.
And also According to social media ( explains that using Facebook, it can make your private life to go wild, thereby provides the following steps to keep you safe and free on Facebook.
Profile Privacy Setting Goes to Privacy – Profile – Basic here you can adjust who can see your profile information,options like friends of friends,only friend, my network of friends, you can choose to customize settings.
Photos, Privacy setting, adjust your photos who should see all and who should not. Go to Privacy – Basic – Edit photo albums Privacy.
Personal information. Go to Privacy – Profile – Contact information, Adjust accordingly who should see your personal information or who should not.
Searching for you Privacy setting, you can set your profile so that it can not be displayed when search for. Go to Privacy-Search.
The above information will make your Facebook life free and safe.
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