Asked By
Sara Carter
10 points
Posted on - 04/21/2013
Hallo there!
I have my Android enable phone which I have used for a while now. I have been thinking about the SSL security when I connect to websites using VPN to download files using the APK files. Can someone explain to me how secure it is to use Android SSL VPN APK? Thanks big time for your prompt response.
How secure is using Android SSL VPN APK?
Hello Sara,
You have mentioned that you want to know about SSL security when connect to websites using VPN to download files using APK files on your Android enable phone. SSL VPN APK is a secured way to download files over internet with your Android Smartphone. SSL VPN for web mode application establish a secure socket layer VPN connection with which you can work remotely and securely with your files anywhere over internet. So without any hesitations I can suggest you to use Android SSL VPN APK.