How to select an effective url downloads software ?

Hi, I badly need an effective url downloads software. Please tell me what's fact I have to look up in order to select a good url downloads software? Â

Hi, I badly need an effective url downloads software. Please tell me what's fact I have to look up in order to select a good url downloads software? Â
You need to download Url Snooper, it provides an easy way for getting urls for all streams. By constantly keeping watch of the network traffic, it is able to identify potential urls mostly the once from streaming media urls.
Many of these links found on streaming audio and video on the internet are usually behind JavaScript or active scripts. As a result of this, it is not very easy to get the actual urls and here is where Url Snooper becomes very useful.
Hi Lori,
There are several ways on how search good download links. I hope that the following tips or suggestion may help you to find a download link for software.
1. Enter a keyword on your browser to search on. Browser the entire result of the searching and pick the link you now are best.
2. Depending on what you are searching. If licensed software, log on directly to their website.