Asked By
200 points
Posted on - 05/29/2011
Hi experts,
I have different hardwares and to start, my hardwares are -PXI 1044-PXI 8106-PXI 5142 (Digitizer)-PXI 5441 (AWG) that will help you to understand what I really need to do and what more hardware will be needing. To send commands, I am using the serial port to external hardware.
At the same time I have to generate a signal with the AWG and to run an acquisition on the digitizer. I am not a genius about hardwares, that's why I really needed help.Â
My main problem is, I don't know how to send a trigger signal to these two hardware. And how to send the write command on the serial port.
Is it possible to send this type of signal through the controller on RTSi lines?Â
How to send a trigger signal to these two hardware?
Yes, it's possible on RTSI lines to send a trigger signal to hardware and to send the write command on the serial port. RTSI trigger lines and the PXI trigger lines use to distribute signals among devices in any numbers. To use the routing presented and to avoid getting mistakes, attach the hardware with a RTSI cable and build a new device access for the RTSI cable in MAX.
Best regards,
Heather marie