How to set up Samsung Galaxy ace free gps?

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

Hello guys,

I just want to be aware on how to set up Samsung galaxy ace free GPS?  What are the step by step process to get started with these features. I tried but I think I am not on the right track that is why it is still not working. Can you give me the proper way of setup or is there an application that needs to be downloaded before it will work? I need your help guys. Thank you

Best Answer by Harpe byers
Answered By 0 points N/A #165795

How to set up Samsung Galaxy ace free gps?



You must use software for Ace to use free GPS service. Spyset is free software for Ace for working with the GPS tracking system.

Link for downloading this application:,f,22,c,99

Just read the instructions from the site related to the installing and running this application on your GAce.  There are also video instructions.


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 10 points N/A #165796

How to set up Samsung Galaxy ace free gps?


Hello Friend,

GPS is a satellite signal runs almost free as it takes very small amount of your mobile internet data.

“SpySat” is the solution for installation of GPS on your Galaxy Ace. Here are the steps to follow –

1) Type searching "SpySat" in the search engine directly from your phone – one such web to download it is

2) Download the program and install it.

3) After installation,click on the phone menu calledSynteo

4) Youwill be required to login first. Login and PIN are the same as you use to log on to the You will have to write exactly the same PIN to start it.

5) Once you download it you can then test it. Here is one test video for you –

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