How to set some password pc?

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

Hi everyone,

How to set some password pc? I got my personal computer with windows 7 64 bit operating system for almost 3 months and still don’t know how to set a password. I need some privacy for my important files stored in the pc. Your help will be much appreciated.


Best Answer by mvirk35
Answered By 0 points N/A #165203

How to set some password pc?


Hi Marie Philips,

For set up a password go to Control Panel > Click on User accounts and create a ID and Password. Make sure that it's has the Administrator rights.

If another person want to share the computer with you then you can create more than one accounts. You can give him/her user administrator right or limited rights.

Answered By 0 points N/A #165204

How to set some password pc?



Setting a password in your computer is very important to make sure all your files are not accessible to other people who might use or is using your computer.

To set a password:

  • Click on Start or Window Icon on the lower left part of your desktop.
  • Go to Control Panel.
  • Click on User Accounts.
  • Click User Accounts Link.
  • Then click Create a password for your account link. (You need to type your password twice to make sure that you typed the new password correctly.)

And lastly you also need to create a password hint. (Just in case you forgot your password.)

I hope this helps.

Answered By 0 points N/A #165205

How to set some password pc?



To set a password for your PC, you ca follow this instructions:

  1. Click on the Start Button and then on the start menu you can see an Image on the TOP-Right part of the menu.
  2. Click the Image then a window will appear showing your user account.
  3. Click on "Create a Password for your account", you can now set a new password for your account.
  4. Click on create password button to finalize.
  5. You can restart your computer to try the password you have set for your PC.
  6. Please be reminded that you have to remember your password to be able to enter to your account.
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #165206

How to set some password pc?


Dear Marrie


Following are some steps to create password

  1. Click on Start and then Control Panel.

  2. Click on the User Accounts and Family Safety link.

  3. Click on the User Accounts link.

  4. In the Make changes to your user account area of the User Accounts window, click the Create a password for your account link.

  5. In the first two text boxes, enter the password you would like to start using.

  6. In the final text box, you're asked to Type a password hint.

    This step is optional but I highly recommend that you use it. If you try logging in to Windows 7 but enter the wrong password, this hint will pop up, hopefully jogging your memory.

  7. Click the Create password button to confirm your new password.

  8. You can now close the User Accounts window.

  9. This is your windows 7 password and you must remember this for future login


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