How to setup Lotus Notes on shared PC?

How would I set up Notes for users on a shared PC? The PC is on Windows XP and we have different login and passwords. I encounter several errors when they attempt to use a password.

How would I set up Notes for users on a shared PC? The PC is on Windows XP and we have different login and passwords. I encounter several errors when they attempt to use a password.
Login in an administrator account with the shared PC, be sure that upon installation of the Lotus Notes Program, you have chosen to install it as a multi user program.
If the program is already installed and we will add another user by scrolling through the users to activate a user that has already been created, or choose "Create New User" to create a new user for the account. then configure it with the server.
Choose Lotus notes from the listed user account to have access to Lotus notes. The program will add him or her using their operating system login name and password.
Log into the computer as administrator. Next, you will need to go to the control panel area and click on "Users". Once your in "Users" scroll down the list and choose the one you want activated or "Create a new user". Scroll through the options of that particular user and you will see "Access Email", under email access you can choose Lotus Notes. Once you have specified the particular Lotus Notes account you want that user to have access to the system will add them with their user id and password.