How should I know if a linked account has included a cycle?

How should I know if a linked account has included a cycle in it and, at what node the cycle starts? And how will you switch the double contact account?

How should I know if a linked account has included a cycle in it and, at what node the cycle starts? And how will you switch the double contact account?
You can try the following things in order to see if a linked account has included a cycle or not in it.
Suppose that if a linked account has a cycle in it then
What is a malformed linked account? A malformed linked account having a loop in it cause the iteration over the list to fail because the iterating loop will never be able to reach the end of the list. Therefore, it is very efficient way to be able to detect that a linked account is malformed before trying an iteration solution or applying a loop on it.
You can also see Floyd's Cycle Finding Algorithm for a complete detailed answer.