Hi Experts,
My desktop was infected by a virus attack very recently. I have a virus guard which has gotten recently updated but it is being attacked. Does anyone know how to simulate a virus attack? Thanks.
joseph Clark
How to simulate a virus attack?
In order to do this, you must know at least one programming language. When you know one of the many you can learn, it is very easy to simulate a Virus Attack. Depending on your choice, by using the program language you can create almost everything. For example, use the programming language to create a program that will turn the screen to color blue(which is common for a Windows that cannot start) and add a message, (like "Files Deleting in 5,4,3,2,1..)
Of course all will be fake, but it is a good simulation of what a programming language can be used for.
How to simulate a virus attack?
Hello Joseph,
The best way to stay free of virus attacks on your computer is to make sure that you have an antivirus application installed on your PC and it should be up to date. To resolve the virus threat in your case, you will need to do the following:
Make sure that the virus guard application that you have on your computer is up to date, and then perform a full scan in order to try and find all virus threats on your system and remove them.
You can also install Malwarebytes AntiMalware on your computer and use it to scan and eliminate virus threats.
Another thing you should try is using system restore. Run the system restore utility to take back the system to a time before you started getting those virus threats and see if that will resolve the issue.