How to solve internal software error (error 7)?

I too face the same problem with the embedded evalkit.
Every time when I start compiling I will get error code 7 and 1.

Code Generation Errors
Internal software error(s)
Error code: 7 (refer to details)
Error code: 1 (refer to details)
Error 7 occurred at Error calling module generator VI: NULL
Possible reason(s):
LabVIEW: File not found. The file might have been moved or deleted, or the file path
might be incorrectly formatted for the operating system. For example, use as path
separators on Windows, : on MAC OS, and on Linux. Verify that the path is correct
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Code Generation Errors
Internal software error(s)
Error code: 7 (refer to details)
Error code: 1 (refer to details)
Internal software error occurred getting module generator VI Paths (2)
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I checked in MACs the version of the FPGA module is 8.6. The same has been installed through the DVD which is available in the evalkit.