How to solve unexpected computer freezes problems with right solution?

You know  its hard  when a Computers stops running in the  application. If your pc keeps freeze  in doing research, there’s not much you can do to  restart your pc.Â
This is some easy way to fix and solution if the pc is become freeze:
Save your work that you do. If you are on the Internet often, save your work as a draft and come back to edit it. In case you are working on a document, click the save button every so often. This is a quick fix in the event your computer freezes.
Try the  Control-Alt-Delete command  in keyboard to fix . This will bring up your Windows Task Manager. It will appear differently in different versions of Windows, just so you are aware. The computer will tell you which software is responding and which is not responding or freezes up continually.
Click end task on the software or applications that are prone to freezes and are not responding.
If the computer only freezes on a particular website, try not to visit that website or use a different browser. If a web browser continually freezes, try to uninstall and reinstall it. Alternatively, try to use another web browser .
Check for viruses. These can cause an computer freezes. Run a scan and antivirus check to fix this, and make sure security software is properly installed and updated on the computer at all times.Thats All
When a computer suddenly freezes or hangs in the middle of whatever it is you are doing, it is usually associated with different factors that need to be checked. The very first thing that you should do when this problem happens is to check what it is you are doing when the machine hangs. If you are in the middle of launching an application when it freezes, forcefully shutdown the machine by pressing and holding the power button of the CPU until it turns off.
After this, wait for about 5 to 10 seconds before turning on the CPU again. Then after booting the computer again, open the application you previously tried to launch when the computer freezes. This is to determine whether the machine will hang again when the program starts. If the computer indeed freezes then the problem has to do with that software. Try reinstalling it then see if it starts normally the next time around.