How To Sort By Date In Excel Using Some Simple Steps

Hi. I have recently started using Excel. I want to know the steps about how to sort by date in Excel. Please reply ASAP. Thanks in advance.

Hi. I have recently started using Excel. I want to know the steps about how to sort by date in Excel. Please reply ASAP. Thanks in advance.
Hi. To learn how to sort by date in Excel, select the cells in the column named B and from the Format menu select the cells. Ensure that the number tab is on display and chooses custom from the category list. Enter the format in the type box and click on OK. As a result, all the cells in column B will only show the birth dates of people. Then, select the entire list of yours and from the data, menu selects the sort option after which Excel will display the sort dialogue box. Mention what is to be sorted and in what way using the controls that appear in the dialogue box.
Then, Excel will display the Sort options dialogue box after you click on the options button. Sort by months using the first key sort order list and click on OK to close the dialogue box. After the dialogue box closes, the list will get sorted according to the date.
Hope we helped.