How to make my computer run faster?

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -

My computer gets stuck for almost the whole time I opened it.

For such a long time, I even forgot about what to ask anymore.

I mean, when I start asking question and successfully opened the site, and then it will hang and get stuck for a long period of time.

Have you ever experience the same situation?

Do you feel annoyed about it? 

How can I speed up my computer?

Best Answer by Alber grower
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #93509

How to make my computer run faster?


You are having virus problem my friend or your computer needs to run on safe mode first.

To Run Computer on Safe Mode:

During the boot screen (See image below). Continually press F8, we have different boot screen so make sure that once the light on your CPU is turned on. press F8 continually

Then you will go to a screen that has many options (See image below). You then need to choose Safe Mode

Just wait for your operating system to run again and then when it opened. Restart your computer properly. And test it if it will still hangs.

You should Reformat your computer

I think what you need to do now is to reformat your whole computer. It should be a fresh install but don't forget to create a backup of all of your files. You can ask someone to do it for you if you don't know how to do it. You can also search for the thread here in techyv that tackles reformatting or ask another question about it.

Answered By 10 points N/A #93510

How to make my computer run faster?



It is better if you mentioned the performances of your PC and the operating system that you using.

If the problem happens suddenly the reason can be the virus attack.

The best thing that you can do is install good antivirus software and scan the whole computer.

If it is impossible use live open Sources CD to log in to PC and make a backup of the important data that you want.

Then format whole had disk and reinstall the operating system and then good antivirus.

Then you can clean up the backup and use it.

Other vice you can do few things without formatting like this

  • Go to the device manager and terminate unwanted programs that run.
  • Increases the free spaces in the hard disks

Thank you.

Answered By 0 points N/A #93511

How to make my computer run faster?


There are many techniques that you can perform in order to increase the performance of your PC. Side by side these techniques also check out this Techyv post too to get more idea.

How I can make my computer faster again?

Answered By 590495 points N/A #323105

How to make my computer run faster?


If your computer is slow every time you use it and it crashes in the middle of what you are doing, first thing to do in this case is to scan your computer for viruses. Download Sophos Virus Removal Tool and install it. Once installed, start Sophos then wait for the virus signature database to get updated. When updating is complete, click to start scanning your computer.

Sophos scans everything on your computer including devices connected via USB port. When a virus is found at the end of the scan, remove it then repeat the scan over and over until it no longer detects a virus. Don’t disable your antivirus when using the tool. Sophos works alongside any antivirus program you may have.

Note: this is not an antivirus so don’t use it as replacement for your antivirus. It is just a tool to remove hard-to-detect viruses. It doesn’t have real-time protection like what antivirus programs provide. This tool will automatically stop working when it reaches the end of its usability period. If you want to continue using it, you have to download the program again.

After this, whether the scan detected a virus or not, the next thing to do is to optimize your computer. To improve the performance of your machine, create a weekly schedule of its maintenance like for example every Saturday or Sunday, maybe. Then every maintenance day, run some tools to clean the system. Like use CCleaner to clean your system from unwanted or junk files.

You can download the free version. Next, you can use PC Tools Performance Toolkit to optimize the system’s performance. Once PC Tools is installed, you can use different tools to optimize the system. In “Privacy” tab, you can run “Clear Your Windows History”, “Clear Your Browsing History”, and “Clear Your Third-Party Software Traces” to clean your system.

In “Performance” tab, you can run “Clean Your Registry” and “Compact Your Registry” to clean and compact your Windows registry. Lastly, you can run “Defragment Disks” to defrag your system drive and other drives on your computer.

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