How to spreadsheet convert GPS coordinates one format to another?

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I have entries in GPS on my excel cells in degrees and minutes and I want to convert them into tom tom degree format and Garmin. What is the formula for this? Also please help me converting longitude and latitude to different format as for example in Cartesian coordinate.


Answered By 0 points N/A #180098

How to spreadsheet convert GPS coordinates one format to another?


To convert GPS from minutes and seconds to Tom Tom degrees use this formula in excel;


To convert to Garmin use the formula below in excel;

Degrees & ” ” & Minutes+Seconds/60

These two formulas are different because Garmin conversion needs some connection with an empty space placed between the degrees and minutes.

To convert to Cartesian you should know the following

1. The x-axis is (0,0) longitude, latitude

2. The y-axis is (0,90)

3. The z-axis represents the poles.

To convert, you should use the following formula

x = R * cos(latitude) * cos(longitude)

y = R * cos(latitude) * sin(longitude)

z = R *sin(latitude)

Where R is the earths radius (approximately)

The reverse formula is

 latitude = asin(z / R)
 longitude = atan2(y, x)

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