How the SQL Server connect to ldap Server?
Hello experts,
I have hard time on SQL server connect to ldap server. Can anyone help me about this? I need step by step procedure.
Thank You.
Hello experts,
I have hard time on SQL server connect to ldap server. Can anyone help me about this? I need step by step procedure.
Thank You.
1.   Add linked server by executing existed store procedure sp_addlinked server then write query with ADSITest, active directory testadso object and ads datasource then go with stored procedure add linked for login and set attribute to false.
2.   Write query select * from your table with adsi test and account name and name with LDAP server ,username and password where your object category  selected.
3.   Before doing this set show advance options of configuration sp to 1 and adhoc distributed queries.
Hope these shall helps you