Asked By
allah jones
0 points
Posted on - 11/07/2011
Does anyone know how I can switch on my screen? That person seems to be a real noob, or not in his right mind. Either that or he does not have basic computer skills. He does not seem to know what a screen is. In an attempt to solve his issues, we told him that his screen was already switched on. In reply to his, he asked us where!Â
Answered By
lee hung
75 points
How to switch on computer screen problem
Hello Allah Jones,
The person may be meaning a number of things when he says that he does not know how to switch his screen on. First thing, he may be implying that he does not know how to turn the computer on. He should first make sure that the power cable and the VGA cables are well connected and the power in on and then press the power button on the computer to switch it on.
Another thing that the person may be implying is that the account that he is on right now is not his and he will like to switch and open his account. He should therefore click on start and then expand the arrow on ' shut down' and then click on switch user. He will need to log in with his username and password to switch to his account.
Lee Hung
Answered By
0 points
How to switch on computer screen problem
Turning on your screen is simply like turning on your light. Find the switch so that you can turn on your computer. Try to look in from of the screen for the switch, sometimes it is on the side of the screen or at the top or at the bottom. If you have already found the switch then turning it on or switching does not give you what you are expecting, Try to check the cable at the back of your screen, is it plugged or not. Try also checking or tracing cables where it was connected and check if it fits or plugged in properly. You may find a red light on your monitor if plugged properly indicating the monitor was powered.
How to switch on computer screen problem
Your client probably doesn’t see anything on his screen that’s why he asked you how to turn on his screen. His screen is probably all black. All analog monitors and even LED monitors or screens have an LED power indicator in front located on the bottom right corner of the screen. It should light up if the screen is turned on.
But if he is not seeing anything on the bottom right corner of the screen then the monitor is probably turned off. The power button is normally found on the right side of the screen. Just press it to turn on the screen. The LED power indicator should light up once the power button is pressed even if the CPU is turned off.
Also, make sure that the monitor is plugged in to the power. Nothing will work if the device doesn’t have power.