I would like to know how to sync my iphone $ to my ipad. I want to transfer all my telephone contacts.

I would like to know how to sync my iphone $ to my ipad. I want to transfer all my telephone contacts.
Hi there!
If you want to sync your iphone contact and other application, music, songs to your ipad. Be sure you have an up to date itunes available in your PC. Then you should sync/Back up your iphone to your itunes, include your contacts and usually it syncs into MS Outlook in you PC. If you apply and follow all these things. I would believe that your contacts is already stored in your itunes/PC/MS outlook. Then, next you sync your ipad on your itunes, you can choose contacts on itunes to be synced on to you ipad and voila.
Good Day!
 Here’s an easy way on how you can synchronize contacts on IPhone to your IPad. I recommend downloading the Bump application both to your iPhone and iPad. Bump is an application that allows you to send information. All you have to do is to add all your phone contacts to contacts in bump. Then bump two devices. Simply press the icon "contacts" then "others" then send and it’s done.Your problem is solve.
Yes, bump is the way to go, no contacts duplicating, no wasting of time and it only takes a few minutes to transfer all of your data.
You can also send the photos, music, application, personal information as well. It’s very cool and it’s easy to navigate bump application.