How To Canon Mp600 Error Code 5010 Fix

My canon mp600 error code 5010 has shown by the printer. When it turns on then quickly registers on B200. I have unplugged it for few minutes for resetting but it does not work. Please suggest this error code?

My canon mp600 error code 5010 has shown by the printer. When it turns on then quickly registers on B200. I have unplugged it for few minutes for resetting but it does not work. Please suggest this error code?
This means that there is an issue with the printer. Do some steps to solve that issue:
Error code “5010” on Canon MP600 printer means there is a problem with the purge unit inside the printer. If you are still in warranty, just send it to a Canon service center for proper servicing because this repair is fully covered. On the other hand, if you are no longer in warranty, you have to do the repairs manually.
First, turn on the printer then open it from the top and wait for the carriage to move over to the center. Once the carriage is in the center, unplug the power. Look in the space to the right of the carriage and you should see the purge unit. There should be two ink pads and plastic wiper blades.
Wear rubber gloves then move the wiper blades very gently forward to check they are not stuck and then let them go back. It is all spring action, do not force anything. Its job is to wipe the bottom of the cartridges when the carriage is parked.
If you notice any sticky ink residue that prevents the smooth movement, get a paper towel dampened with hot water and blot these parts to loosen or clean. Clean all around the top of the purge unit as well. After this, very gently and slightly press down on the ink pads to see if you can pop it back into place about ¼ of an inch.
Lastly, make sure there is no paper jam crumpled around the purge unit. Very gently remove anything you might see. Pulling too hard on anything could damage the printer gears. When you are finished, plug the printer to the power and close the top. See if this works.