How To Convert 0x17 To Dec?
Hello, I am a student; I don’t know how to convert 0x17 to Dec, please help me with the steps to be followed to convert 0x17 to dec. Thank you.
Hello, I am a student; I don’t know how to convert 0x17 to Dec, please help me with the steps to be followed to convert 0x17 to dec. Thank you.
Hello people, if you are confused with the question of converting 0x17 to Dec, don’t worry, it’s very easy, follow the below steps to convert any hex number to dec.
The hexadecimal number system I.e., the base 16 number system has 10 numbers and 6 symbols in it, they are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F, where A = 10, B =11, C=12, D= 13, E= 14, and F= 15.
Before we get into the technique, you need to know that the numbers which start with “0X” are known as hexadecimal numbers. According to the statement mentioned before, we can say that “0x17” is a hexadecimal number. The hexadecimal number system is a base 16 number system.
We need not consider 0X while converting 0X17 to Dec, because it is used only to indicate that the given number is a hex value.
• Step 1: Find out the last digit, I.e., on to your right-hand side and multiply it with 1. Similarly, find the second last digit and multiply it with 16, next, multiply the third final digit by 16 × 16, and so on.
• Step 2: Next, add all the products of each digit, after multiplying them according to their positions to get the answer in a decimal number system.
• Now, using the above steps, we will try to convert 0x17 to dec:
7 × 1 = 7 (last digit multiplied by 1).
1 × 16 = 16 (second last digit multiplied by 16).
7 + 16 = 23 (adding up the products after multiplication).
• Hence the decimal value of 0X17 is 23.
You can use these steps to convert any hexadecimal number to a decimal number.