How To Find The Office, Where Is Microsoft Office On My PC.

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I installed Microsoft office a few months back, the only issue is now, I am not able to locate it, does anyone know how to find it or where is microsoft office on my PC?

Answered By 20 points N/A #297040

How To Find The Office, Where Is Microsoft Office On My PC.


Hello, the issue you are facing can be easily fixed. Just go through the steps which follow.

  1. If you are using Windows seven then, go to the taskbar and in the search box type Microsoft office. Some results will show, and you can view them if you have it installed on your PC.
  2. In case you have Windows 8 as the operating system then, go to the Cortana icon and type Microsoft Office in or office in the search box.

Press the Windows Key along with the s key to directly open search bar.

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