How To Fix Camera Error S In My Xiaomi Phone

When the error occurs, then you cannot take pictures, and the camera screen gets black. We must first understand the reason for such a type of issue; it occurs due to too much of stored cache data of inbuilt camera application on your Xiaomi phones. Usually, if you use your phone for a long time without clearing the cache data of your phone, then this error takes place.
When your phones start hanging then also you can witness such an issue, as when your phone is slow it takes time to load any application. If the cell phone is taking more than the required time to load the app, it assumes an error for this particular application.
So to Solve This Type Of Error, you must first clear the cache data of the inbuilt camera Application of your cell phone.
For clearing the cache> Go to setting > Go to Installed Apps > Choose All installed Apps> Go to In-built Camera Apps > Clear the Cache Data. Restart your phone, and it’s solved.