How To Fix Error 503 Backend Is Unhealthy?

I am getting an error 503 backend is unhealthy on an e-commerce website. Is there any way to solve this error? Why does this error occur?

I am getting an error 503 backend is unhealthy on an e-commerce website. Is there any way to solve this error? Why does this error occur?
There can be many reasons for this error to occur, but error 503 backend is unhealthy comes up mainly due to two reasons –
1 – There is heavy traffic on the network, i.e., too many people are trying to access the site at the same time, and the server is unable to handle it.
2 – The owner of the site is making some changes to the website, and therefore, you are getting this error.
To solve this error, you can try these steps from your end. If the error persists, sit back and try after some time.
1 – Refresh your page.
2 – Clear cookies and cache.
3 – Restart your PC/ mobile.
4 – Contact the site if you can.