How To Fix Error Message 403 Forbidden In Chrome?

Hello experts, I’m getting an error message error message 403 forbidden, while using Google Chrome. Please provide me the solution to fix this fault. Thanks in advance for the help.

Hello experts, I’m getting an error message error message 403 forbidden, while using Google Chrome. Please provide me the solution to fix this fault. Thanks in advance for the help.
Check the URL you entered. Check the spelling and the extension; be sure that you are accessing a website, not a directory.
Clear your cache. It stores the websites you open frequently opened. Sometimes cache version also causes 403 forbidden.
Click the three dots at the top right of chrome and select settings.
Search for cache in the search box.
Click on clear browsing data.
Plain the cookies. Cookies can also cause for error as it stores the recent information of the sites, especially when you log in and log out of the site.
Following the same above procedure, you can delete the browsing cookies also.
You don’t receive “Error 403 Forbidden” just by starting the browser. You will receive this error when you try to visit a website. You normally receive “Error 403 Forbidden” when you try to access a page in a website that is forbidden or restricted from ordinary users or public, in general.
This HTTP status code normally applies to folders or directories in the website where only site administrators or owners are allowed to access. The error is triggered when you try to access a folder or directory that doesn’t have an index file (index.php, index.html, or index.htm).
“Error 403” is designed to be triggered in the public sections of a website. If you receive this error after opening a link found on Google search, the site administrator or owner probably disabled the folder or directory from the public.