How To Fix Ps3 Error 80010514
Hi, I inserted my Playstation 3 CD/DVD into the disc. But it does show an error while loading. Can someone tell me how to fix ps3 error 80010514?
Hi, I inserted my Playstation 3 CD/DVD into the disc. But it does show an error while loading. Can someone tell me how to fix ps3 error 80010514?
Hi, this error refers to not being able to read the disc. It may sometimes get before or while playing a game. Let me tell you how to fix ps3 error 80010514?
While you are playing and this error message occurs, just eject the disc and insert it again. Just make sure the disc is clean and not having too many scratches.
If the problem continues, just eject the disc and try another one. If the second one also does the same problem, check your drive in a shop or contact the PlayStation support for the best help.