How To Fix The 8002f281 Error (PS3)?
I need help in solving an error on my PS3. Kindly tell me the methods to fix the 8002f281 error (PS3). Thank you in advance.
I need help in solving an error on my PS3. Kindly tell me the methods to fix the 8002f281 error (PS3). Thank you in advance.
The 8002f281 error (PS3) indicated that there is a problem with your hard disk.
Method 1
a. Press your PS3 power button for 10 seconds.
b. Wait for 30 seconds.
c. Press the power button for 7 seconds until you hear two beep sound.
d. Release the button.
e. Enter safe mode.
f. Click on Restore File System.
g. After the process completes, try to access your device.
Go to the next method if the problem persists.
Method 2
a. Follow the first method to enter a safe mode.
b. Note – All the data in your hard disk will disappear.
c. Select Rebuild Database.
d. Restart your device.
If your error persists, it means your hard drive is defective. You have got the following options –
Other methods –
a. Contact PlayStation Support.
b. Test your hard drive. If found defective, you need to go to the service center.