How To Fix Water Damage Of Samsung Galaxy S9

My Samsung Galaxy S9 just dropped into the water at the beach; now the phone is not showing its screen. Please help fix this Water Damage to my phone.

My Samsung Galaxy S9 just dropped into the water at the beach; now the phone is not showing its screen. Please help fix this Water Damage to my phone.
Beaches are visited, and phones are dropped very commonly by people into the water. Hence water damage is a common problem even with Samsung phones although the Samsung Galaxy S9 and Galaxy S9+ are water-resistant.  Still, they certainly aren’t waterproof. So if your Galaxy has been in the water and if normal wear and tear have impacted the water-resistance of your device you can do something about it.
Note the majority of minor water damage is completely repairable with help and troubleshooting.
Firstly to avoid causing further damage to your phone
Remove all accessories, including cases and chargers.
Dry the exterior of the device with a soft towel.
Push buttons on your device that can force liquid further into the device’s circuits.
Don’t use a hairdryer to dry your device.
Switch off the device for about 24 hours.