How To Fix Windows Host Process Rundll32 Has Stopped Working

What is the windows host process rundll32? How can I fix windows host process rundll32 has stopped working? Is this possible that I can disable the windows host process rundll32?

What is the windows host process rundll32? How can I fix windows host process rundll32 has stopped working? Is this possible that I can disable the windows host process rundll32?
rundll32.exe is also malware, Trojan, virus, or any other harmful infection which can harm the computer. Rundll32 is used for loading DLL files. You should not disable rundll32 as it is a part of windows.
Steps to fix windows host process rundll32:
• Log in as an administrator in your windows.
• You need to uninstall all the software and applications which you installed before this error occurred. So if this error is because of those software’s or applications, then your problem is solved.
• Run anti-virus scanner which will check for any virus and then reboot your computer.
• After rebooting login again to your system as an administrator.
• Open the command prompt and enter SFC/scannow this will repair all the damages, then again reboot your computer and your problem will be fixed.